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Easy Peasy Garden Fresh Tomato Salad Recipe

Our dear neighbor decided a few years back that he would begin growing a vegetable garden.  He shared with me how he was inspired by the wonderful memories he had of his grandfather working on the family vegetable garden each summer.  Well, over the course of a few years and after many, many hours digging and planting and weeding, his garden has tripled in size and now includes just about any delicious vegetable, fruit, and herb you could think of.  He's even added some wonderful color this year by adding a beautiful border of flowers including ten foot tall sunflowers that follow the sun all day long. Almost every other night, he either shows up at the door with a bag full of beans and lettuce or I come home to a treat on the doorstep of tomatoes and basil and peppers.  This past weekend, we were treated to an overfilled bag of the most delightful cherry, orange, even purple.  Have you had a purple cherry tomato?  Please, plea...

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